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Governor Branstad Recognizes Charles City as Certified Connected Community


Governor Branstad and members of Connect Iowa stopped in town to recognize Charles City as a Certified Connected Community. As defined by Connect Iowa, the initiative assesses the local broadband landscape, identifies connectivity gaps, and establishes technology-driven goals and objectives to increase broadband access, adoption and use for families, organizations, and businesses throughout the community.

Unggoy team members were pleased to have Dave Daack of Connect Iowa visit the office prior to the Governor’s presentation. We were able to discuss the goals of Connect Iowa and how our business model can assist the effort. Unggoy Broadband has been implementing all aspects of the Certified Connected Community initiative and will continue to expand throughout the state of Iowa.

Naturally, the Unggoy team wanted to be a part of the Governor’s presentation. “We wanted to be a part of the conversation and the solution for better broadband. The Governor’s initiatives are exactly what this company was founded upon and the company has been providing better broadband access to rural Iowans for a little over a year now,” Ryan Jung, Director of Operations, Unggoy Broadband.

It is indeed a great honor for the city to be recognized by the Governor as a Certified Connected Community. Unggoy would like to thank Dave Daack of Connect Iowa for taking time to visit our office and become aware of our efforts.

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