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Unggoy Broadband to host public open house in Charles City!


Unggoy Broadband is approaching a major milestone for their business this month and would like to share the celebration with all of you! The company installed their first customer on April 21st, 2014, and would like to celebrate their one year anniversary by hosting an open house at the office in Charles City. The open house is open to the public and will take place on Tuesday, April 21st, 2015 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

“Year one has been huge for Unggoy! This time last year, equipment installation and programming was ongoing for the first 2 towers and Unggoy had 1 part-time employee. Thanks to an eager market, we now have 9 full-time employees and there does not seem to be enough hours each day to reach new markets quick enough. People sometimes ask on the phone to speak with the Charles City office, I love to tell them this is the only office we have. Unggoy started and is operated exclusively from Charles City, a local business meeting a local need. Consumer demand has essentially forced us to be involved directly with equipment manufacturers launching the latest and greatest technology to enhance the capabilities within our markets; Unggoy is known across the U.S. fixed wireless internet industry as the innovators making a big splash,” stated Ryan Jung, Director of Operations.

Unggoy Broadband is proud to support and serve the communities of their coverage areas. “As a company we have to attribute this past year’s success to the extreme hard work of our team and our loyal customers; it wouldn’t have been possible without all of you! Celebrating our first customer anniversary is the perfect opportunity to say thanks and show off the exciting things happening right here in Northeast Iowa!” Heather Allan, Marketing Coordinator.

Come and join Unggoy Broadband in celebrating their 1st Customer Anniversary on April 21st from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Bring your family and friends to take a tour of the office, meet the team and just hang out! Food and beverages will be provided. The office is located at 1010 S. Grand Avenue, Charles City.

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